this Guitar was the only guitar which ZO use for all the records/tours during 2008.3-2015.2, play from LP to LP, city to city around the world.
the classic HEDGEHOG clean Guitar sound from "Blue Daydreaming", "Honeyed And Killed", "Phantom Pop Star", "Neurons" etc. was all generated by this special Telecaster.
for tours, it has travelled from North to South almost all the big cities in CHINA, and on road with the Band from coast to coast all the way down to NEW YORK during 2009 SING FOR CHINA US TOUR, 2011 HEDGEHOG EAST COAST TOUR \w XIU XIU, 2012 AUSTRALLIA TOUR \w REGERITATOR...
ZO always make things he used named Z-Things, like personal stickers, hand drew paintings etc. which made it both sounds and looks as HEDGEHOG thing at the first sight.
Appearantally it is the most valuable HEDGEHOG Guitar.
Email US your price: [email protected]
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