「Sun Fun Gun」 is out . “ what is probably their best album to date, turning back to their original raw sounds and heavy guitar” --- Time Out Beijing
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「Sun Fun Gun」 is out . “ what is probably their best album to date, turning back to their original raw sounds and heavy guitar” --- Time Out Beijing 2012.4 we want to create a new sound feeling of Hedgehog. it combine Punk/Pychedilic/Noise with Hedgehog's unique C86 sound. Gillian Rivers(Yeah Yeah Yeahs) played vilion on "Choose Whatever You Want All The Time" Yan Yu Long(Chui Wan) played vilion on "The Loneliest Day" This is the pleasure of sound by a few Chinese youth living in the beginning of 21st Century, after they have re-considered on themselves and living environment, they send out the message of fighting, self-sarcastic and self-comfort. After the band finished recording of the gloomy “Honeyed and killed”, they have started production of the new album “Sun, fun, Gun”. This is an album after they have run out from their mental haze, it is also the first album after the joining of new bassist, Fun, which he took part in the recording. Moreover, as Hedgehog has always produced independently, it is an achievement to cooperate with foreign producers for the first time (by a young New York producer John Grew, recorded in Warm Record and Rubber Track), the young Hedgehog always like to challenge, their pleasure comes from non-stop challenges to breakthrough the past. Hedgehog had a lot of different attempts within 2 years, this can be shown in the DEMO “destroy memories 2011” early released in 2011, this album is more unpredictable and innovative. Similar simple melodies and lyrics, similar scary independent expressions, Hedgehog has been exploring continuously in the past 6 years, they are using their own practice, to walk out a road developing Chinese independent bands, a road belongs to them. The time of rapid change, the metropolis full of time competitions, how many inches of space are left for the real, pure & passionate youth in the new century China? Experiencing valueless values; Believing in faithless faiths, are you already on the way to the money-oriented life? Blind-eyed and clearheaded, getting married and have kids, are you going to spend your life like this? The boundary of right and wrong is no longer clear, something should really move on, the rebellion and weirdness of youths are the motivations of all these. The young surfing artists who seem to be idle every day, disregard all personal heroism, they have nothing and will gain nothing, love, loneliness, boredom, failure, autism, pain, laughter, they do not care whether to live in the moment or future. However, please remember: from the moment we have found ourselves, is the moment where no one could stop us, we will create a new century which you will never understand. 2012, Hedgehog’s fifth album “Sun, fun, gun”is out! Are you ready for the shooting scene? Sun Fun Gun Ready…Aim…Fire!( ↑ Wrap) |
「Sun Fun Gun」阳光、欢乐、枪。 |
烧 不停的烧 我的眼睛在燃烧 我想杀光小人与无赖 谣言惑众信息爆炸的时代 炸了 我的头快炸了 can you shut the fuck up? 恋爱 我想谈恋爱 我十分想谈一次恋爱 烧 不停的烧 我的良心在燃烧 我想杀光小人与无赖 背后捅刀与政治腐败 人民 都在低头默哀 创造没有未来的未来 艺术家 热衷于低级改造 偷梁换柱并自恃清高 我去 烧 不停的烧 我的灵魂在燃烧 我想杀光小人与无赖 官官相扣的和平年代 头顶高帽者 昂首默哀 鼻视人民 草帽停牌 普适的价值观 早已崩盘 一切立足于 现金买卖 我操 赐我一只枪吧 亲爱的上帝 阳光下孩子们 欢乐的射击 赐我一只枪吧 亲爱的上帝 我想一枪...
dear boy i wanna be your girlfriend 亲爱的我想做你女朋友 sunshine no sense to me 阳光对我没意义 internet no sense to me 互联网对我没意义 cigarette no sense to me 香烟对我没意义
不用再去拼命 一切已如此空虚 不必再去同情 一切已没有真意 欺骗即真理 麻木是上计 自私是目的地 走面是硬道理 我日夜荒芜脆弱颤抖的神经 在社会的子宫中被滋润发育 我拼命追逐探寻真理的过去 在现实的阴茎中不停被洗礼 看那些硬派 他们顽强死硬 看那些媚态 他们与生狐狸 与会的植物 带走了雨水与根茎 谈笑着摆拍 操控着媒体与人民 生活在黑红蓝白日梦的幻境 包围在仇恨真爱之中的人情 我曾经引以为荣的精神洁癖 我曾经视如粪土的世俗金银 勉强继续 早已没有意义 没有任何 一切毫无意义 没有意义
don't purswade me 不用劝我 i hate what you say 我恨你说的话 don't save me 不用救我 i am bad 我很坏 i feel shame on all the shits on TV 我恨电视上的一切 should i not be born in the ancient east? 难道我生错了地方? we are all bad bad bad bad bad seeds 我们都是坏种子 we are all naturally born bad seeds 天生的坏种子 i can't do any real thing in east country 我们无法在这里保持真实 i should not be born in the ancient east 难道我生错了地方? look at that crap 看那些垃圾 it can make money 它能赚钱 look at that crap 看那些垃圾 it can make money 它能赚钱 decieve the fool 欺骗迂腐之徒 then feel so good 之后感觉真爽 what's wrong and what is going on ? 出什么错了?到底是怎么了? we are all bad bad bad bad bad seeds 我们都是坏种子 we are all naturally born bad seeds 天生的坏种子 i can't do any real thing in east country 我们不能在这里保持真实 should i not be born in the ancient east? 难道我生错了地方? ancient east show something to me 古老的东方,请让我看到 ancient east do something for me 古老的东方,请让我感到 ancient east please don't give the horrow to me 古老的东方,请不要让我感到恐慌 ancient east i love you indeed 古老的东方,我真心热爱的地方
どうぞ you say but nothing I pay what are we singing it's all about grow up come on baby help me out here no one really love me only except my mom yuki I love you yuki I love you cure me in your case or wake up in darkness tatoo the future on my right arm yuki is not true i hope someday you can realize it but why you do that to me? black kiss soft kiss black kiss i can't believe it black kiss has carved in my memory
chuck taylor is the shoe of rock seven eleven is the mom of wild child second hand is the best way of fashion open-source is a bomb of commercial software rock 'n' roll is a mirror of selfish Chinese Ministry Of Railway gives our life a Russian Roulette hey little boy please make a choice of your life hey little boy please make a choice of your life oh come on ! oh come on ! oh come on! oh come on !
那十六年洗清了我的眼睛 追随别人不如打开我自己 重新思考短暂生命的意义 只有我自己才能救我自己 颓废叛逆也并不是我本意 在邪恶并微笑着的世界里 创造一种仅属于我们的声音 摧毁那些扼杀自我的教育 smoke & dizzy night 每个烟雾缭绕与晕眩的夜晚 beer whiskey & wine 啤酒威士忌和红酒 it seems like our lifes as fast as dream 看起来我们的生活快的像做梦 smoke & dizzy night 每个烟雾缭绕与晕眩的夜晚 beer pills & wine 啤酒药片和红酒 it seems like our lifes have saved by music 看起来好像是音乐拯救了我们的生命 我无法在台上保持清醒 表演本身就是疯狂的事情 从未想用摇滚去图谋利与名 但谁也逃不出规则与游戏 smoke & dizzy night 每个烟雾缭绕与晕眩的夜晚 beer whiskey & wine 啤酒威士忌和红酒 it seems like our lifes as fast as dream 看起来我们的生活快的像做梦 smoke & dizzy night 每个烟雾缭绕与晕眩的夜晚 beer pills & wine 啤酒药片和红酒 it seems like our lifes have broken by music 看起来好像是音乐摧毁了我们的生命 cause we are a rock band we shouldn't complain 是摇滚乐队就不要去抱怨
山中之城,杂乱的街 疯狂的司机与陌生的脸 空虚引诱脚步不停向前 寻找江水与生命的终点 路边小憩,抬头望天 冥冥之中安排好的一切 雨水嘲弄梦境被扑灭 周围的空气都像是幻觉 这时你就是整个世界 当我闭上双眼时看见 记忆中的爱与斑驳的时间 那一天仿佛也并不遥远 不必担心一切都会改变 不必彷徨总有那么一天 青年的呐喊声震彻漫山遍野 唤醒了此刻直到永远 停下来吧,安静一下 让我们的心再靠近一些吧 无尽的猜疑我已厌倦了 请相信我从未有过任何改变
最寂寞的一天 我只盼望你出现 盼望生活就此改变 最寂寞的一天 我蒙住双眼 逃避现实体验幻觉 最寂寞的一天 独自站在街边 在无数自我否定后点燃香烟 最寂寞的一天 看窗外的世界 德外的汽笛声湮灭在六铺的街边 最寂寞的一天 我准备去冬眠 那些低调背后的手段已被称作阴险 最寂寞的一天 我回想昨天 在等待的时间里后知后觉 最寂寞的一天 你始终没有出现 又将是魂不守舍的冰冷黑夜 最寂寞的一天 听快乐分裂 也许那时间与爱已真的将我们撕裂
it's morning time 现在是清晨的时间 let's feel the sun rise 让我们一起感受日出 recovered from the nightmare 从噩梦中恢复 jumping out from soul jail 跳出灵魂的囹圄 hey man , can you please give life a chance to live 嘿,伙计,你能否赐予生命一个生存的机会? yeah 耶 i am floating in the morning 在清晨的阳光里漂浮 i am dying in the building 在水泥建筑物中死掉 i am wild open in the evening 在夜晚释怀 and get rebirth in your hugging 又在你的怀抱里获得重生 i can't believe all what i am reading 我无法相信我看到的任何事情 i see dogs are taking part in everything 狗正在接管这里的一切 so we created a new world in our music 所以我们用音乐建造了一个新的世界 and that's about freedom creative and shit 它是关于自由创造与粪便
say hi 嘿 say nice 不错啊 say morning to my friends 清晨向朋友们问好 say hello 你好 say goodbye 再见 say sweet words every night 每夜甜言蜜语 see a white 白人 see a black 黑人 see a cop shooting under the sky 警察开枪 see hope 希望 see future 未来 see every soul burning and flowing 每个燃烧漂流的灵魂 fly , fly in to sky 飞上天吧 dream , dream in mind 做梦吧 sun rise 日出 sun die 日落 moon rise 月出 moon cry 月下哭泣 i drive at night 夜行 i dive to the day i die 直到结束
you are so famous 你真有名 you are the famous one 你是最出名的 you are preening 你在打扮 you are a self-important frog 你是自认为最重要的田鸡 you are singing 你在唱着 la la la la la la la la.. 啦啦啦